Yesterday, we honored our students in grades 6 - 12 for academic and athletic excellence. Congratulations to all who received awards!

Thank you to our music department and 7-12 music students for a job well done at the variety show yesterday!

Good job to our Flyers tracksters in the Dakota Relays at Howard Wood today.

You can catch all of the action from the Dakota Relays at Howard Wood on their Livestream. More information at https://www.dakotarelays.com/livestream/. Howard Wood YouTube channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7UAf4FlMh9v7YGL9lLieHw.

Great job to our Cornbelt Conference Meet golfers yesterday in Howard. Lily Wipf placed 5th, Paige Auch placed 6th, and Oliver Waltner placed 5th in JV.

It was a gorgeous day at the Freeman High School Track for the 2022 Don Diede Relays today. Check out this amazing drone shot of the Freeman School District campus courtesy of Jeremy Waltner!

The JH golf meet originally scheduled for today in Alcester-Hudson has been cancelled.

Nice job to our golfers at the Gayville-Volin golf meet in Yankton yesterday. Lily Wipf placed 7th and Zac Sayler placed 10th.

Congratulations to the 2022 Freeman FFA State Participants! The Food Science team took 1st place and is headed to Nationals.

Congratulations to the JH/JV golfers at the FAM golf meet yesterday (4-25-22). Boys - Tannen Auch 1st, Alaric Knittel 3rd, Oliver Waltner - 4th; Girls - Bella Brewer 12th.

It was a great day for the Flyer Invitational Track Meet on 4-21-22. See the official meet results at https://athletic.net/post/POsVpvLW.

The JH golf team had a great day @ Valley View Golf Course on 4-20-22. They are the 2022 JH Golf Cornbelt Conference Golf Meet champs!

Parent-Teacher Conferences are on 2-16-22 and 2-17-22 from 2:00PM - 6:00 PM each day. There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, February 18, 2022 and on Monday, February 21, 2022.

National FFA Week is coming next week! Join in the following activities.
2-22-22 - Dress Like a Farmer Day
2-23-22 - America Day & Ag Olympics
2-24-22 - FFA Day (Wear Blue & Gold)
Hats can be worn during the week for $1 a day, and the elementary will have a coloring contest for each grade.

Would you like to donate to the Freeman Softball / Youth Baseball Complex?
Click link below

FFA gear Web Store is now open!
Get your FFA gear now! Store closes on Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 11:59 PM.